Tuesday, December 11, 2018

How to Find a Book (Revised)

If you're anything like me, you might often find yourself struggling to discover a book interesting enough to read; leaving you defeated and empty handed. Luckily for you, I have some helpful tips to use when trying to choose a book. First, I look at the name of the title, as well as the cover, to see if it catches my eye. Usually, if the cover doesn't catch my eye, I won't read it. Next, if the cover catches my eye, I'll read the summary located on the back of the book. If that interests me, than the chances of me checking it out are pretty high. My final step is to read a few of the first couple pages in order to make sure the book is as interesting as the summary led on. If it is, then I will most likely read the book; if not, I restart this process and try again.

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